
Showing posts from February, 2022


      REPORIENTATION      WHEN LIFE MATTERS   When life matters; we will not have dilapidated roads If it truly matters; we will understand the gravity of pain in losing a life to road accident When life matters; we will not have epileptic power supply If it truly matters, the understanding of losing a soul due to the failure will come upon us When life matters; we will not owe frontline workers If it truly matters, we will understand that their efficiency will save us a lot When life matters; the well being (mental, physical, social and spiritual) of fellow citizens would be everyone's concern  If it really matters, we would see everyone as our brother When life matters; transparency and integrity will be everyone's watchword  If it matters we will attach importance to virtues We are in a society where we  care about our private pockets alone, not minding the effect of our actions on others. Let us be mindful of what we do to make our p...


  FACTUAL CONFORMITY "Truth is a fact or belief that is accepted as true." -Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary In the court of law, witnesses are required to 'swear' to telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth because that’s the only way justice can be established. Yet, it’s still lies upon lies. The Holy book is believed to be based on truth yet we don’t spit it out. Despite all our devoted time to it,  we find it very difficult to speak the truth; we are so religious but not doing God’s will and that of the state. We neglect the truth and  welcome lies always. Truth is the foundation for a fair and just society, yet governmental agents and private agents still tell lies, or pretend to be what they are not. For the sake of greater goods, we lie to make ourselves seem better and we never think about the consequential troubles that may befall us. We are far from being true to ourselves not to talk of others. We neither understand ourselves nor...


                   REPORIENTATION                  "ARCHITECTED MINDS" The choreographed scenes and lines ain't bad, at least they are very effective in making us sympathetic.  Our mild part is appealed to, just to have a space; a space to struggle for a take. They know how to get their take and will take every way to lay hold on the spade.  You think they are really serious? Of course very few are. They know what to do and do what is worth doing for a better life. But others are unlike. They love to play with clay on a gay day and mould their desires.The madness of their farmers turns out to be wisdom. They'll still win over and over and again.  Our never real fantasies of Utopia will never cease until we wake up and take the bull by the horns. If your voter's card still has a value less than half of half a bag of rice, you really need help. We war to get the voter's card, we w...


BENT The quicksand of excuses is what impede our forward motion. We put the rock of unlimited blames on our dearest fathers who are there minding their own businesses of running a political office without loss . Our thriller is always better than the movie itself; they give us barrels of orange colour lies at campaigns  and deliver  blackcurrant to us.  Before  one good comes to being, a million evil eggs have been laid.  Whoever places our politics and policies back to back on a balance beam against our welfare should not be astonished to see the elephant sinking the seesaw while the other end has our welfare suspended in mid-air. We are REALLY doing well! It is not unnecessary to mention our failures as followers too. We go about celebrating frivolities and fail to speak up the truth. We run up and down just for our private pockets not for others.  We avoid paying duties like the receding lake Chad. We go further than Abigail, greasing palms to evade taxe...


THE UNQUESTIONABLE "In the womb of the morning, we dare not ask Just about dusk we have no answer Should we ask or be patient for it to come Unquestionable or unanswering?" ***  Answers linger without end even when we try asking. The government is not concerned about the state of our roads and our standard of living. Land Utility Charges  is more important than making life easy for their people.  A leader, good or bad, addresses his people from time to time to keep them abreast but why has this become Olympic? And when we finally mounted the stage to state our case and ask for the way forward, going back to farm was the best that struck us.  Yes sir! We are going back to the farm where nothing is interesting. A factory where all we are provided is a piece of cutlass and hoe. Oh, I meant a place where rag is uniform and comes handy with a pair of flip-flops or luckily a pair of wellingtons. Do the "developed" nations practice agriculture this way? Even a man with men...


THE LIGHT  The cloud is somewhat dark and unclear owing to several behaviors and acts of Injustice, kidnapping, rape, murder, banditry, insurgency and many more in the land. Our excruciating pain has reached fever pitch. It's so bitter witnessing all these social ills growing at an alarming rate across the nooks and crannies of our dear country.  Then it's become imperative we give priority to our peace, unity, love, mutual understanding and progress. To say we don't need bright light as a compass to our promised land is to naively embrace hardship for days ahead of us thereby putting ourselves in confinement of disunity, cluelessness and lack of development. Hence we are in dire need of bright light in our land.  We need to combine our efforts together as patriotic citizens in becoming the true light our country needs so that we would be able to build a great and prosperous Nigeria for all of us and foreigners to live in. More so, the light we need goes beyond the one IB...


APATHY Politics as we have come to realise has evolved into a filthy brew of unpleasantness. Our politicians have perfected the craft of utilizing this filthiness to their personal advantage. Every now and then, we are saddled with the responsibility of choosing a new leader in the different arms of government in our society.  On the other hand, we are fed with different streams of information by seemingly ‘well meaning’ individuals on topics ranging from government, politics, leadership and the masses. The problem arises when information make rounds especially through social media platforms. As a result, different conspiracy theories arise. The problem with these theories is that they blur the lines between truth and falsehood. Consequently, everybody is left to take their stand and decide where they belong.  One of the unfortunate victims of conspiracy is our electioneering process. We have been made to believe that our votes do not count. As a result of, many citizens have ...


WE HAVE SEEN What have we not seen in this corner of the world? We've seen developmental projects beautifully done and commissioned on paper but worse than the back of tortoise on site. Even individual citizens deliver roads of better standard as service to their community than what many of our executives do.  Yes, we have seen that accountability is a taboo in the affairs of running this nation. I used to know Budgeting to be planning the needs in relation to the  available resources but what do we call a financial plan that is  financed by a planned borrowing? I shake my head and bear up my cheek.  Have we not seen? Oh,we have seen! We have seen many who have ceased to exist just as a result of some other persons' dishonesty and callousness. A number make riches from security votes and give an enabling environment to lives and properties perishing without hesitation. Yes, they do it with less care for others, after all, what matters is their well being not even tha...


A NEW CREATION An entity that has never existed An entity that does things differently A structure that is void of nonentity An entity that is sure of his identity An individual with sound mind and good judgement An entity functioning in it's full capacity and making a difference An entity that shuns every form of lawlessness An entity that demonstrates fullness in it's fullness An entity that is not afraid to take steps even when it results to being alone An entity with the consciousness of God and humanity An entity with the consciousness of the laws of God and those of the land An entity that does not celebrate wrongdoings An entity that celebrates uprightness and fairness An entity that speaks the truth at all times irrespective of the circumstances surrounding it That is who you are meant to be - your identity. A New Creation is intentional and patriotic. Have a change of heart to live the new life and make this nation habitable for all. And whatever thou doest, do it with...


  SET WITH SENSE   Don't just get killed anyhow is my advice, because justice is long dead here. We only patch pounds with "eba". Who dares waiting to see a masked man unmask, even if he was one's neighbour? "Flee from all appearances of evil," says the word of God. Again I say flee with great velocity because just as it is difficult for a camel to enter through the eye of a needle even more difficult it is to get justice in this nation. If a living man hardly get justice, what would be the lot of the dead? I can't just think of where peace resides without justice. We want peace without justice;what a giant plague affecting our  reasoning!  A pathetic feast of arrogance of ignorance is our usual. Bosses and non-bosses alike, wine and dine unnecessarily as if infected with lack of understanding. I used to think we only gather to become wiser but my experience in this nation has proven that many gather to become worse in wisdom. Sure! You must have heard h...


THE FREEMAN Do you think an imprisoned person  is not a slave? Do you think a person serving a boss is a slave ? Don't you think a person under the bondage of another prominent person is a slave? The fact is just that everything is all about our choices.  We were created as a free will being,we have  rights to make  choices and we are free to exercise our fundamental human rights. The major sign of being a slave is the inability to control one's appetite in every situation.We don't fear what we need fear anymore, instead we fear what we should not fear.  Many are afraid of recession, many are afraid of evil spirits and many other things, yet we’re walking into the bounds daily. Youths want to have money at all cost, drive latest cars, patronize latest relaxation centres, oppress their fellow man and  still think they are not on the path to becoming slaves to money. Ladies run after rich men for the sake of money and still think nothing will be in exchange f...


  DO WELL We stand in gap, even when our back needs watchmen. Our backyard is crying for help while we are away on a pleasure tour. We execute projects and feast publicly with double of the project cost. We celebrate our backwardness with great pride, we are closer to not moving at all. Businesses  are wailing and many are swimming in depression.  We are sundried on the queue to access our permanent voter's card, awaiting the coming of our saviour. The saviour comes later to rapture our pockets. He doesn't care how long you have waited, empathy is a great taboo in his kingdom. What terrible things have befallen us! Somebody's son will award a contract that benefits all, another man's son's daughter would cancel it because she wants to suck the juice alone.  We pay a former governor in a month, the salary of two senior government workers for a whole year. Just let's keep paying 5 former governors such and keep complaining that the federal allocation is  too minut...


 REPORIENTATION WE HAVE GONE FAR We have journeyed far  Far past the faraway kingdom Kingdom where plagues abound Abound with no restrictions Restrictions on immorality and indecency Indecency hand-in-hand with Injustice Injustice not different from inserting bullets into the systems of peaceful protesters with total shut up as though nothing happened Happened as a norm Norm as in we are used to their brutality Brutality of our mind and society Society being deformed socially Socially affecting our reasoning, we still sweat inside our international airports, air conditioners on strike, even printers, and we are reasoning Reasoning some people to be superior and others at a disadvantage Disadvantaged not to be in power Power centred on self Self referring to not caring about whatever happens to my neighbours Neighbours and I will take a walk  Walk that was tagged terrorism the last time. Time is almost now to give us #5,000 and make this place worse than hell Hell for all ...


  IN SEARCH OF OUR FAITH The group of people that won't embrace unity and faith for the living can never achieve peace and progress in developing their society. In the days of years past every citizen could go to bed without any cause for alarm or any fear whatsoever but the narrative has pointedly changed today in Nigeria.Nigeria today is a country on the threshold of many social ills battling her destiny ruthlessly, in an unspecified direction.  The country is in a confused state owing to several national values and virtues that have been virtually killed on various national altars like corruption, nepotism, religious intolerance, to mention but a few. However, examining the nature of things in those years compared to the current situations in the country, it's so audible to the deaf and visible to the blind that the country is fast losing many of her rich cultural heritage and national values.One of the ingredients highly needed for building a progressive, economic stable, ...