Don't just get killed anyhow is my advice, because justice is long dead here. We only patch pounds with "eba". Who dares waiting to see a masked man unmask, even if he was one's neighbour? "Flee from all appearances of evil," says the word of God. Again I say flee with great velocity because just as it is difficult for a camel to enter through the eye of a needle even more difficult it is to get justice in this nation. If a living man hardly get justice, what would be the lot of the dead? I can't just think of where peace resides without justice. We want peace without justice;what a giant plague affecting our reasoning!
A pathetic feast of arrogance of ignorance is our usual. Bosses and non-bosses alike, wine and dine unnecessarily as if infected with lack of understanding. I used to think we only gather to become wiser but my experience in this nation has proven that many gather to become worse in wisdom. Sure! You must have heard how a welcome party was "thrown" to receive a sick man that went on a medical tour outside my beloved Nigeria. I am sure you have not forgotten the number and caliber of persons present at the reception. What on earth is wrong with us? We just celebrate shame everywhere. You gathered to party and celebrate the recovery of a person who went abroad for treatment but you cannot gather to propose, finance and implement a way forward for our health care system. I shake my head for our future.
Ain't it time to get serious with our condition and make life worth living here? Sit to plan our progress rather than celebrate the virus of mediocrity and selfish ambitions flying in the air. WE MOVE!
...and for a better Nigeria, I move with sense!
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