The quicksand of excuses is what impede our forward motion. We put the rock of unlimited blames on our dearest fathers who are there minding their own businesses of running a political office without loss . Our thriller is always better than the movie itself; they give us barrels of orange colour lies at campaigns  and deliver  blackcurrant to us. 

Before  one good comes to being, a million evil eggs have been laid.  Whoever places our politics and policies back to back on a balance beam against our welfare should not be astonished to see the elephant sinking the seesaw while the other end has our welfare suspended in mid-air. We are REALLY doing well!

It is not unnecessary to mention our failures as followers too. We go about celebrating frivolities and fail to speak up the truth.

We run up and down just for our private pockets not for others. 

We avoid paying duties like the receding lake Chad. We go further than Abigail, greasing palms to evade taxes. Utility bills abound like examination scripts but draws not our attention. We always want to use energy without payment; we have just made energy theft a norm. I am not saying they are utilizing our taxes well but patriotism will make one do what is right to see a right society.

...and for a better living, I will be responsible!


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