We stand in gap, even when our back needs watchmen. Our backyard is crying for help while we are away on a pleasure tour. We execute projects and feast publicly with double of the project cost. We celebrate our backwardness with great pride, we are closer to not moving at all. Businesses  are wailing and many are swimming in depression. 

We are sundried on the queue to access our permanent voter's card, awaiting the coming of our saviour. The saviour comes later to rapture our pockets. He doesn't care how long you have waited, empathy is a great taboo in his kingdom.

What terrible things have befallen us! Somebody's son will award a contract that benefits all, another man's son's daughter would cancel it because she wants to suck the juice alone. 

We pay a former governor in a month, the salary of two senior government workers for a whole year. Just let's keep paying 5 former governors such and keep complaining that the federal allocation is  too minute to do anything.

Not until many of us have a change of mind, merry-go-round will be our choicest event.

Wake up from your slumber and do something good for the world to come.

... and for a better life, do good to all!


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