What have we not seen in this corner of the world?

We've seen developmental projects beautifully done and commissioned on paper but worse than the back of tortoise on site. Even individual citizens deliver roads of better standard as service to their community than what many of our executives do. 

Yes, we have seen that accountability is a taboo in the affairs of running this nation. I used to know Budgeting to be planning the needs in relation to the  available resources but what do we call a financial plan that is  financed by a planned borrowing? I shake my head and bear up my cheek. 

Have we not seen?

Oh,we have seen!

We have seen many who have ceased to exist just as a result of some other persons' dishonesty and callousness. A number make riches from security votes and give an enabling environment to lives and properties perishing without hesitation. Yes, they do it with less care for others, after all, what matters is their well being not even that of the military forces.

 We fight for survival since our resources are limited and skewed towards some direction. We fight and fight and fight till humanity evaporates from our community. Hmmm, we are still on the quest for survival.

Our nation is always taking the back seat in good things even when we have a choice. Not because it is our nature, it's all because someone is making some fortune out of the situation. They never give a damn!

Why do we always have to talk about the problems of others and not face our own with full force? Our problems should be given full attention and tackled diligently. What matters should be the matter. Our current state deserves quick actions and should be given such if we desire a future. It is of great sense even to a man void of understanding that  a ruined country needs no leader, only an existing state chooses a leader.

...and for a better future, the present matters!


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