REPORIENTATION FEMME FATALE There, his head dwells in the valley and his hands crept to the zenith of those hills . He barked simultaneously with Joy, "Yeah, I got the source!" Happiness swept his feet off the ground. Great was the excitement that visited his heart. He'd never dreamt it was a mirage, a pond without water was the supposed source he found which was not unsimilar to a wasteland, as he reached out to get some comfort... They show us the way to a dry source, dashing our hope and playing with our minds. The smile we have garnered soon fly away. All I can say is all they do is just a bait. Development is promised, retrenchment is delivered. They force us into keeping our abilities and skills but expend our resources on the same skills in aliens.Their soothesome speeches wear a coat of many colours with underlying death, far worse than venus flytrap. They may look attractive but their coats house millions of scorpions, more than one for every other citi...