There, his head dwells in the valley and his hands crept to the zenith of those hills . He barked simultaneously with Joy, "Yeah, I got the source!" Happiness swept his feet off the ground. Great was the excitement that visited his heart. He'd  never dreamt it was a mirage, a pond without water was the supposed source he found which was not unsimilar to a wasteland, as he reached out to get some comfort...

They show us the way to a dry source, dashing our hope and playing with our minds. The smile we have garnered soon fly away.  All I can say is all they do is just a bait. Development is promised, retrenchment is delivered.

They force us into keeping our abilities  and skills but expend our resources on the same skills in aliens.Their soothesome speeches wear a coat of many colours with underlying death, far worse than venus flytrap. They may look attractive but their coats house millions of scorpions, more than one for every other citizen. Whoever tries to be a saviour is either given a soother or hit by bazooka. 

Our local government system battles for survival; impotent describes it better. They have eaten into it like cancer since its survival does them no good. Hmmm...

 The ones who looked like it, have brought us this far. Look closer, navy blue is never black even if it looks like it. Examine your choice closely.

... and for a better living, be not discouraged, ensure you vote; be not deceived vote right!





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