Where are the saviours ? Whom shall we send ? Every sector is dilapidated and needs restructuring. To whom has the Lord revealed His arms to take us out of this menace?

The state of the country presently calls out for people that would cause a positive shift. We are in need of people that would avert this looming trouble. The ones that know the path to comfort are needed.

Saviours are people with the garment of truth and integrity. They are folks with discernment and good judgement. Wisdom is their best friend and knowledge is their continuous desire.

They have weaknesses but not of greed and discontentment. They can die for good works. Their visions do not become blurry when notes are offered.

I mean they really care about a productive end. Democracy to them is really democratic not autocratic or aristocratic in disguise. Leaders and followers who use every opportunity for the benefit of all, they are.

We need practice what will work, to save our land from shattering. Loyalty that will shell us into rubbles profits little. Let's take our stand firmly and save our dying peace.

...and for a better Nigeria, let our democracy be democratic and very humane!





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