
Will this Nation ever be good?

  REPORIENTATION   Will this Nation ever be good? I have witnessed a wonder under heaven that begs for reflection and sorrow, that a land filled with opportunities will shut the doors against her own people. I have seen a wonder amongst men that makes the earth shed tears of brokenness, that a Source still thirsts and hungers for its yields!  Up till this moment of penning this thought, echoes of this question still linger in my mind as a heavy weight... Will this Nation ever be good?  We are in the era of tragedies where the reign drains, rather than nourishes its people. The soaring status of resources set the masses lips singing the songs of discontent, even the strongest ones now tremble about the fear of the unknown future, everything is hard.  Life should not be lived just for survival alone as this is the goal of everyone, beyond surviving, good works need to be embarked on, but the system is so strangulating. Many clamour for division as the god of salvation, some desire the re


  Partisanship “ Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth.” —Albert Einstein The election that was held last year and the events that followed have opened our eyes to how sycophantic some Nigerians can be. Many people gladly deny the truth or turn a blind eye to it because of religious, tribal, and political sentiments. They have sold their conscience and humanity for mundane and ephemeral things. For our country to make good progress, we must move beyond sentiment and work together for our common good. We should be ready to point out evil deeds, even if our kinsmen are the perpetrators. Selectively judging right versus wrong leads to further division along tribal and religious lines. Our diversity should be a tool to foster unity and progress because, in diversity, there is variety and uniqueness. Our unique differences and idiosyncrasies should flourish for our common good. Leaders who manipulate the masses using religion and tribe should be identified and ignored. Th


  REPORIENTATION   ALUTA CONTINUA! In the words of E.M. Burke, the only necessary tool for the triumph of evil men is for good men to sit down and do nothing.  As we live day by day as Nigerians, we cannot but completely give cross examinations to our daily life and national life, how far have we been faring? Let's face our fear squarely and give thought-provoking examinations to the roots of our woes. Do we really have some set of people as our problem or we all are the architects of our national and individual problems?  In vain we build our cities if we don't first build our homes. Let's endeavor to champion the right course for righteousness, faithfulness, honesty, integrity, morality and good works  right from our bedrooms before picking up brooms to sweep the streets. We can't continue with any ALUTA if our mental state hasn't been reprogrammed with right information. The emergence of evil men in our societies today is as a result of our failure as good men to


  REPORIENTATION   LIMPING OLYMPIAN Law wears no crown but rules over the king. This can only be true outside the land of "Jogbo." Jogbo, our dearest Jogbo where our rulers and their teams make the law  of the land a footstool. Their maids doctor the law like roadside mechanics just to afford their lords a handshake with favour. They make no law in favour of the king's subjects. Of a truth, they sleep in luxury the subjects cannot afford; what they cannot get, they employ a long harvesting knife. Do they care if the followers can't even afford the usury? Recklessness has forgotten his tooth deep in their flesh.  The King of Jogbo, his "baales" and his chiefs are competing with cars and houses when the subjects keep struggling to afford a meal per day. They wine and dine morning, afternoon and evening; every day is meant for celebrations even when the citizens mourn. The cries of the citizens mean nothing greater than the sound of a swarm of bees. In Jogbo, c


REPORIENTATION     BIRDS FOR A NEST It thinks it is wise because only a wise bird uses the feathers of other birds for it's nest. Maybe not wise but cunning and self-centred. Corruption is dancing wildly beneath it's skirt. Oh, I know! It must be pulling resources unlawfully to itself, so it could afford standing tall on a molehill. Bet deceit lasts NOT forever, no, it does not. The day will pay for what the night was used for and surely the game of shame will make the descendants apply for a change of name massively. When one's progeny cannot answer one's name publicly, what else would that be if not genocide? We should allow our ears see better, they really need to, because even our eyes smell trouble when trouble takes a walk. The life we live have an endless impact on the coming generations be it "Excellent" or "Very poor."  Be it known that we live a portion of the lives of others in ours. Of a truth we cannot live our sole life; a part of other


REPORIENTATION DISCIPLINE    Discipline is about establishing and maintaining order, and it's an important part of any society. Some expert agreed that discipline is the combination of structure consistency, and rewards and consequences. Without discipline, there would be chaos and disorder in the world.  Many believe this Discipline is an "Act" that is why you see them putting it on whenever they wish and want, you see them putting it on because of the rewards attached, because of the positive reinforcement like awards of good values, awards of excellent behaviour, good character and many more. Many put Discipline on because of the consequences connected to it, like how it will sound seeing people of great/high calibre being caught in filthy behaviour in the society. Due to the consequences, they put on Discipline out there and put it off inside. Many put on the act because they are too focused on getting the reward attached to it and they forget that Discipline is an i

Fearless Skin for Flight

  REPORIENTATION   Fearless Skin for Flight To be a giant is no small feat, the make up of a giant is neither in his size nor height, but in his experiences, both bitter and sweet. A giant is no fearful man, fear became eroded through the passage of time in his experiences. He lives his life with an audacious spirit, motivated by victories not yet seen.  A giant stands and sees all things, be it complex or not as possibilities, and at the threshold of decision, he mounts up courage with wisdom of old and bring out best of the best. No one flies in the atmosphere of fear, for it sucks the essence of flying. To fly, you must shed the weight of fear, rise above it and launch with unrepentant tenacity.  Hear this,  "The seed/potential of flight is in you, no one will take to the sky for you, it is your responsibility to water this seed and fly against every form of gravity" Awake! O my people, take up the fearless skin! And as a mighty giant, arise and take up your rightful place