

REPORIENTATION ÒTÈ The humming of bees is all that creeps into the ears They erect their abode just behind the walls And great shall be the shape of the rubble on their scalps The fall of the skies won't be a danger to just one Shhhhhh, two will not just inherit the pains for all The soup is cooked with the mouth of two and the feast sponsored by three They said the eyes of "Lagbaja" was found in the mouth of "Tamedo" Boom! It becomes pandemic, peace thus become a topic for historians "Egbìnrìn òtè" The end of which is non-existent Family against family Wounds that never heal It becomes the games of generations Purposes and destinies receive torture And gbam!  Glories with fortunes are murdered A mouth that doesn't rest sets the world on fire And explanations without evidence can never be short No one hoes fault towards themselves They only plan and spread the shame like wildfire Boo! They dash him away unto solitude He enters reservation mode and ...


  REPORIENTATION TAP "It takes two eyes to reproduce but takes two hundred eyes to raise the child." That is the Yoruba saying that explains this theme clearly. The existence of the taps tagged public is becoming history in our society. Although, the recent generation may have no experience of such, the older generations will always smile at a flash of its memories.  The public taps are open classrooms in the communities in which they are errected. These classrooms are meant to raise loving and disciplined children. Children play and learn from one another and from the elders. They are trained up in the culture of the society which sticks with them eternally.Youths are taught the way up. The good are encouraged here while the bad and the ugly are corrected and remanded. Everyone get their character moulded in the presence of great role models. Battles and parties; wars and friendships are regular shows at the station. Trucks of information and invitations travel quickly witho...


REPORIENTATION OUR HEAD Like the proverbial statement in South Western Nigeria, "The head must never be misplaced for walking as the feet." In Nigeria today, it's quite obvious that several of the social ills we are battling with are a result of leadership crisis. One cannot but ask that, what is the chief problem constituting nuisance to the progress and development of our dear country? Is it about the people in leadership or the nature of followership.  One thing that stands sure is that we all are Nigerians before anybody assumes any role, serving in the interest of the country. The head is to provide direction, coordination, reasoning, support, insights, wisdom and lots more for the overall successful positioning and advancement of the body. Without the head, the entire body would be useless and unproductive.  The situation of things is getting rougher on a daily basis because we've lost touch between our head and body due to many natural and artificial factors li...


 REPORIENTATION JUST BEFORE THE COUP D'ÉTAT We are better may just be at speech; being better is best shown in actions. Taking what's not yours is nothing but a cloaked theft just as colonization is but a planned robbery. A group of terrorists agreed to oppress the helpless in disguise. They carefully chose their baits to get their victims because they see the value and aesthetics they can't match. Only desperate people organize a coup, their greed fuel the revolution and the end there of is worse than the beginning. Taking by force what belongs to others is simply encouraging chaos on a canoe offshore. A great robber can not make life easy for all, he will never give up his business.  Who chases a rat away and makes a cat oversee a plate of fried fish and laughs last? The coup may not always produce good leadership, things become even worse under their administration. But just before executing the coup, consider your ways carefully. A good life can never be attained via an...


REPORIENTATION     SAME WAVELENGTHS The world is busy, yes, it really is. The business of futility is what delights her, she moves about a point without rest like the hand reading seconds on grandfather's clock. Who will rescue who? No one shows up when their enemy is in agony. When the saviour can't rescue the oppressed being oppressed right before his very eyes with his over ability, it effortlessly explains that he gave the whip to the oppressor in the beginning of times and seasons. Let somebody stop acting green as though they were  saints! Our cattle dogs would not even move an inch, all they want is to shine and be fine. No rush to brush, you only live once. Just once and you are planning to empty the treasury full throttle. Who doesn't want solace when we all are getting depressed by association? But remember that offices abide till the end of age but their managers change from time to time which implies that history never ends. Whatever you do will always be engr...

Will this Nation ever be good?

  REPORIENTATION   Will this Nation ever be good? I have witnessed a wonder under heaven that begs for reflection and sorrow, that a land filled with opportunities will shut the doors against her own people. I have seen a wonder amongst men that makes the earth shed tears of brokenness, that a Source still thirsts and hungers for its yields!  Up till this moment of penning this thought, echoes of this question still linger in my mind as a heavy weight... Will this Nation ever be good?  We are in the era of tragedies where the reign drains, rather than nourishes its people. The soaring status of resources set the masses lips singing the songs of discontent, even the strongest ones now tremble about the fear of the unknown future, everything is hard.  Life should not be lived just for survival alone as this is the goal of everyone, beyond surviving, good works need to be embarked on, but the system is so strangulating. Many clamour for division as the god of salva...


  Partisanship “ Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth.” —Albert Einstein The election that was held last year and the events that followed have opened our eyes to how sycophantic some Nigerians can be. Many people gladly deny the truth or turn a blind eye to it because of religious, tribal, and political sentiments. They have sold their conscience and humanity for mundane and ephemeral things. For our country to make good progress, we must move beyond sentiment and work together for our common good. We should be ready to point out evil deeds, even if our kinsmen are the perpetrators. Selectively judging right versus wrong leads to further division along tribal and religious lines. Our diversity should be a tool to foster unity and progress because, in diversity, there is variety and uniqueness. Our unique differences and idiosyncrasies should flourish for our common good. Leaders who manipulate the masses using religion and tribe should be identified and ignored...