"It takes two eyes to reproduce but takes two hundred eyes to raise the child." That is the Yoruba saying that explains this theme clearly. The existence of the taps tagged public is becoming history in our society. Although, the recent generation may have no experience of such, the older generations will always smile at a flash of its memories. 

The public taps are open classrooms in the communities in which they are errected. These classrooms are meant to raise loving and disciplined children. Children play and learn from one another and from the elders. They are trained up in the culture of the society which sticks with them eternally.Youths are taught the way up. The good are encouraged here while the bad and the ugly are corrected and remanded. Everyone get their character moulded in the presence of great role models. Battles and parties; wars and friendships are regular shows at the station. Trucks of information and invitations travel quickly without a logistic officer.

Then, tragedies receded in the presence of empathy and encouragement offered freely by other members of the community. No one lived alone, as to avoid water is to avoid life. Togetherness knitted their hems, one to another as they lived for one another and not for themselves solely.

The government do not see that not providing the adequate water needed is less a problem to the people than the  challenge created by the government  having a hand in the incessant death of communalism. No one gathers for no reason, since the reason for the gathering is becoming extinct, of what need will it be, meeting? This particular part of communal living should be revived.

When the values and the beliefs we share can no longer be taught to the coming generations by the community, how are  we not making things toxic already? Fencing, discrimination and all other factors are tearing us apart speedily. Peace is being butchered right in the market square. Terrorists, swindlers and great thieves are ignorantly being raised without caution. 

It's time to have a rethink and do the needful to have a great future. Nothing sounds better than living together in unity. The communal system does wonders, making the future good for us and having little worries about our peace in the future, as honourables are raised.

...and for a better life, I will take my community seriously!







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