

REPORIENTATION     BIRDS FOR A NEST It thinks it is wise because only a wise bird uses the feathers of other birds for it's nest. Maybe not wise but cunning and self-centred. Corruption is dancing wildly beneath it's skirt. Oh, I know! It must be pulling resources unlawfully to itself, so it could afford standing tall on a molehill. Bet deceit lasts NOT forever, no, it does not. The day will pay for what the night was used for and surely the game of shame will make the descendants apply for a change of name massively. When one's progeny cannot answer one's name publicly, what else would that be if not genocide? We should allow our ears see better, they really need to, because even our eyes smell trouble when trouble takes a walk. The life we live have an endless impact on the coming generations be it "Excellent" or "Very poor."  Be it known that we live a portion of the lives of others in ours. Of a truth we cannot live our sole life; a part of other


REPORIENTATION DISCIPLINE    Discipline is about establishing and maintaining order, and it's an important part of any society. Some expert agreed that discipline is the combination of structure consistency, and rewards and consequences. Without discipline, there would be chaos and disorder in the world.  Many believe this Discipline is an "Act" that is why you see them putting it on whenever they wish and want, you see them putting it on because of the rewards attached, because of the positive reinforcement like awards of good values, awards of excellent behaviour, good character and many more. Many put Discipline on because of the consequences connected to it, like how it will sound seeing people of great/high calibre being caught in filthy behaviour in the society. Due to the consequences, they put on Discipline out there and put it off inside. Many put on the act because they are too focused on getting the reward attached to it and they forget that Discipline is an i

Fearless Skin for Flight

  REPORIENTATION   Fearless Skin for Flight To be a giant is no small feat, the make up of a giant is neither in his size nor height, but in his experiences, both bitter and sweet. A giant is no fearful man, fear became eroded through the passage of time in his experiences. He lives his life with an audacious spirit, motivated by victories not yet seen.  A giant stands and sees all things, be it complex or not as possibilities, and at the threshold of decision, he mounts up courage with wisdom of old and bring out best of the best. No one flies in the atmosphere of fear, for it sucks the essence of flying. To fly, you must shed the weight of fear, rise above it and launch with unrepentant tenacity.  Hear this,  "The seed/potential of flight is in you, no one will take to the sky for you, it is your responsibility to water this seed and fly against every form of gravity" Awake! O my people, take up the fearless skin! And as a mighty giant, arise and take up your rightful place


REPORIENTATION     THE RED WOODS Tall and covering the truth in its entirety, it is. Creating the shades of shame and celebrating the death of virtue in a cycle. The ones to be arrested are the ones being watched by our security officials. AND.  The ones meant to be discharged are being kept like livestock, denied of everything called freedom. We all play hide and seek beneath the blanket, thinking nobody is watching. But the watchman would say, not a word, waiting for the appointed time. My heart should not make my brain foolish, no not. I will not look away just like my tongue won't deny having a taste of whatever visits my mouth.  When will here make sense as a place to dwell? They spend our future before it comes. What a life we live! Even the present is struggling to balance, and what else could be the lot of a lot? I know the past was quite good for this nation  and the present offers no chilled water but I am sure the future will "throw" us parties of greatness. Ye


  REPORIENTATION   HOPE "If we don't keep hope alive failure would imminently attack our hearts. And anytime we don't give hope chance to run through the depth of our heart then series of unfortunate health and emotional deficiencies would take over our lives."  We may not have the storerooms of plentiful foodstuffs but we must keep hope alive in the face of current realities in our land. We may not have a warehouse filled to capacity with cash but we must never let the spirit of hopelessness grip our hearts. We may not have the convoy of heavily armed security operatives, however, we must never give in to the spirit of fear but allow our innermost man to be reinvigorated with the spirit of hope.   In the face of current realities cum hardship in the land if there be any message to be preached across near and distant lands then it must be encapsulated with dosage of hope because the sufferings of our people is on a high level. If there be any message of conviction and


  REPORIENTATION DE-FENCE When a sight is beyond what eyes should see, the lips are always engaged to observe. If we can't afford  building defense by building a fence, we can mark out our territories with what we have.The resurrection of different terrorist groups cum abductors should not become a norm but a serious security threat to deal with, with utmost attention.  "Order from above"  has always been cancerous to our system. It enables different laws to be broken and more than enough protocols to be skipped. When protocols are skipped, won't there be wide holes for corruption and abnormalities to hop in? It gives no room for proper investigation and murders more than 50% of what is supposed to be named evidences, and that  is even less harmful than forceful investigations. Suspects who have "nobody" are ironed and battered like dirty "aso-oke" to confess what is not. They confess to have eaten an elephant when they had not even seen a bush rat


  REPORIENTATION Facetiousness   The length and breadth of our seriousness in this part of the world ends in a small area. The perimeter of our successes will always be infinitesimal, compared with the western world until we roll up our sleeves. When we don't do things the right way, our community will never move forward. Our responses to life determine where we would stand in the affairs of progress. Many bosses sit at pubs enjoying chitchat while the new intakes face the fire. The ones meant to train leave the work for the trainees, what a world! Very many sit with their legs crossed on a centre table and their ties loose, reading newspapers that ties almost nothing to their knowledge while lives evaporate out of many. Our teaching hospitals that should save lives have been sucking enough. Few have made the job part time, some would get to work late, and just enough of the health workers just go to work to answer, "present sir."  I would blame them less, because the bes