REPORIENTATION CONNECTED The innocents die as saviours involuntarily. What "they" tell us is kilometers far away from the truth. A circle cover up their illegal doings even with the lives of the helpless. Why should we blame those who open their laps on trays? Since, they are not given a chance to be interviewed for their desired jobs. The connected have always butchered the job space all we see is the carcas. All thanks to them for always raising our hopes and smashing them. A replacement of life is done to oppress the helpless and set their own free that is not law abiding. The just serve the terms of criminals and enough are murdered to keep the secret in the dark. The law enforcers are no saints in this, a number of them work for the circle because of what they get from them. The circle members please themselves at the expense of all. They call a meeting for the world to see that they are recruiting but the real one is even done behind closed doors just before the da...