...very broken yet not mended

Every part apart yet not collected

Greatly dispersed yet not united

But I will do more than sweeping them close

Of a truth I will get them fixed

No other but me will do this and mine beauty out of rubbles...

Yes, with me glory will parade herself amidst dung. My assurance is without faults and the results your sight will celebrate with incessant glances. I assure you.

And on ascension...fixation becomes impossibility, touring hand-in-hand with what is called confusion. I thought I could save the world but that would be a sisyphean task. My best is very similar to  inactivity but it is too late to quit. Why would I quit to disappoint my party members and loyalists? Oh no, I dare not!

Ain't quitting what you never planned, to starting a good plan better than leading without a plan and taking the whole assembly into doom? A hasty person would lead nowhere better than a ditch. It makes  more sense to learn with calmness and possess a workable plan; no one jumps into leadership and not jump out.

A good way to fix every fixables should be given utmost consideration for things to work. Have a potent plan. Plan the plan well now and fix the fix soon. This, no one would stand in the way.

...and for a good future, a good plan would drive us there!


✓ 0270



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