Our Democracy

REPORIENTATION Our Democracy One sorrowful thing about our beloved democracy is the battle of numbers. Strength and weakness has one thin line on based on numbers. It doesn't matter which group has the sense, all that we care about is the strength. You may try to vent even when you are vexed, it's just but a threat all will find time to rest. Nothing but the number remains sovereign. Is it not pathetic that the wise don't decide for us; the hungry, the poor, the helpless, the destitute, the rich, the elite, the ignorant, and many others are also involved in decision making and the election of leaders. It's not one man's business. Everyone has a right in this process. Four will say this is good for us, it is worth it, let's have it but six will say it is too good let's have something less and cheaper. It is not in wisdom, it is a matter of strength. For wisdom to prevail in this matter, it must take numbers seriously and recruitment should be a priority ...