Our Motherland lies in ruins, corruption, fraud, prostitution, kidnappings, armed robbery, cultism and all sorts of dastardly acts to mention but a few. The question is, in the beginning was our Motherland like these current realities of all evil acts we are witnessing? The answer is NO. Our Motherland started as a beautiful bride being accompanied to the chamber of her lover with all precious things given her. 

Today everyone of us is chanting in pains because we lost our beautiful virtues long time ago within the valleys of the evil acts earlier mentioned. However, there's still bright hope for our Motherland to become very beautiful and green again.We all need to work towards making our Motherland green once more so that we may be able to enjoy all the prosperity, joy, vitality, virtues, favor and progress that our Motherland truly stand offer to us.

 Our Motherland will be green again with all good things of rule of law, religious tolerance, peaceful co-existence, mutual understanding, honesty, national integration, mutual love etc. Like a farmer that applies fertilizer for the betterment and improvement of his farmland so also we as citizens of the country must take it upon ourselves to apply our fertilizers of good acts and character in order to make our Motherland green again.

...and for the upliftment of our Motherland; I live to make her green once more. 


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