YES! You could wear your shoes before your pair of trousers, even when I do mine just after. It’s nobody’s issue since your shoes can pass through the tunnels. However, it becomes a giant issue when your stance becomes a mirage and gravity laughs out loud at you. Instability becomes the chairman and displaces a neighbour, phew! The end matters more than the present, to eat hot food requires some skills and sense, get them.

When one uses their freedom the way it pleases, they should never forget to engage their braking system, sweet things are not innocent of murder. A damaged mouth would enjoy a delicious meal less and probably resist tasting it at all. Be cautious!

When a player ‘knows’ an umpire, surely the goodness of the transaction will follow the player and the bullet of it will remove the head of the opponent. Oh, there’s problem in the loo for the other side.  Everyone rejoices and celebrates the victory of the former but he will always be in the shackles of his conscience mourning his undeserving victory. And when the coming of truth falls upon the world, he becomes quite dishonorable. To eat hot food requires some wisdom, get them because the end matters more than the present.

Whatever you do, ensure they have no negative effect on your neighbours because you are because they are. No one should use his blue to disrupt the reggae of another, everyone’s freedom is not without boundaries. Trespassing could put either or both parties in a pit for aye. Respect the freedom of others, and yours will never be trampled. Even to eat hot food requires some sense, take time to get it because the end matters more than the present. 

...and for a better life, I will live freely but not out of my freedom!


✓ 0246



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