Powers, Protests and Intellectuals Strength


 Powers, Protests and Intellectuals Strength

Power is power, but knowledge is knowledge, a form of power but not power exactly. 

Protest, physical agitations typical of fellow Nigerians, has done more harms than good. I've never gone for one before and I don't think I'll ever go due to the way we do it.

I don't believe in this walking format! Oh...maybe it's because of the country I find myself in. Probably it's friendly in other places.

Do we really need to subject ourselves to protest everytime? 

Is protesting the true solution we need? If so, why don't we change the way we do it? Let us all leave our cities and move to the presidential city to hammer into the heads of our Heads the need to give us a working system!... I tell you, no army would be able to stop us!

Can't we try our mental strength? Really?

But won't the Powers silence us due to fear of ridiculing and exposing their secrets and shortcomings which can lead them to being displaced?

The Powers,

Our Protests,

The Intellects,

How will my nation break free from these boundaries? 

Let's not be deceived, Power is the deciding factor of our success and breakthrough.

If knowledge is indeed power, professors should rule in the Aso villa, but Power showed its superiority when young, old and great intellectuals were crushed in the protest of their rights, right in their cities!

But I know a secret, a way out that'll birth freedom and here it is in its simplest form..

In some seasons, we decide who holds and become the Power, if we get it right here, our protests (battles) will turn to conquests and our intellectuals will flourish so brightly like the Sun.

...and for the creation of a new, working and dependable Power, for the protests to be buried forever, for our intellectuals strength to know no boundary, I! will not be dormant when the season comes to crown the new Powers.


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