REPORIENTATION THE NONSENSICAL CYCLE And it happened that day, he ran from the Oaks to the palms, calling oak corrupt and selfish. He was not given enough space to reach the sun so he could photosynthesize. He drifted and bade him good bye, moving to the palms for refuge. The welcoming feast was like no other, second to none that has happened in history. Soon, the culture he came with became epidemic. He affected the palms and everyone around. Yes! They've become smarter than he is. He soon gathers 10,000 reasons to return to his vomit. He swallows his pride and gobble his words, then sail out back to his roots. A fresh beginning of the endless cycle. They use the whole revenue to pay their own salaries. When the wallet is almost dry, they move for loan adorn it as though the Queen is paying us a visit. A very beautiful story is cooked for us. We keep sharing until it becomes old and the product of the loan appears only on blueprints. ...