Can our prayers do more for this country?

Several things are, prayers will not do. Prayers will do its part when we play our roles in order to receive answers. We can pray for downpour of rain but cannot stop the flood it causes not to sweep our properties away if we cannot take the discipline to dispose properly.

We can pray for good leadership but it will not happen if we do not discern to choose our leaders, as failure to do such will make prayers go void. We can pray for deflation of prices but it will not happen if we all inflate prices at any slight opportunity. We can pray for security but it will not happen if we suspect certain moves and do not report to the right authorities.

As powerful as prayers is so are our actions. We cannot keep praying and not take actions that will make us see answers. Answers are received immediately prayers are said but we do not see them because of our actions. Little wonder, a disciple wrote in one of his letters that faith without works is dead.

...and for a better Nigeria, I will pray and take proper actions!


✓ 0220



  1. Indeed, the duo roles of prayers and positive actions would engender our most desired change in the country


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