
Showing posts from November, 2021


 REPORIENTATION LUCRE "Where will he blow it; him who stole the king's bugle"  Can it be said about Nigeria that this saying is true?  Over and again, our leaders dip their hands deep into the national treasury. They take the treasures from our chest whilst we watch them with our hands tied.  Gone are the days when stealing was a crime despised by heaven and earth.  Bring back the days when the stigma of being known as a thief was worse than leprosy.  It is sad to see what plays out in our society today as thieves parade themselves in flowing gowns. While some ignorant folks continue to sing their praise.  Much worse than the act itself is the lack of conscience and moral rightness. Our leaders display their repugnant audacity in that while they steal from us,  they do not come as ones careful or afraid of being caught.  Their pompous parades and harangues are met with tumultuous crowd, noise and reception.  This is so because, even when...

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 REPORIENTATION VERY SERIOUS Beside the house along the path close to the road on my street and in every town of the states of the nation abides lies in scores and grosses. Our political leaders remove their caps to pay their homage at his feet. Many spiritual leaders do nothing different. Even other citizens unwrap their bellies before the feast of terrible lies.  We owe athletes salary with pride and cover up with unnecessary talks. We owe the educational facilitators and still lie about it, and nothing on earth will be done till it becomes epidemic. No suggested solution will be apt until the whole nation is shut down.  My friends browse different political parties like a butterfly,  changing base, all  with hidden multitude of lies. They build houses for government workers, the houses the employees cannot afford. Yet they call it affordable housing projects. They are still the ones who end up  buying the houses. Ain't this laying beds for one's self-cen...


 ALTERNATIVE PATHWAY The peaceful dwelling place where life was full of fun and absolute excitement was hit with decadence in it's least state. In a jiffy, the peace of the land became cancerous and it's wholeness became what we see in our sweet dreams. Hmmm... This a troubled dwelling place where lives are ascribed no value ; a place where safety is a mirage, profit matters more than proficiency. Life costs less than money and we  try exalting shortcuts in structures even when none exists. Mercy Lord! We cut every material needed to erect a structure or building not minding if we ever cut the lives of our neighbours. We want to have a fortified building without Investing too much. There is no alternative pathway for this reaction it just must get enough activation energy.  My fatherland where eulogy is sung in the ears of  the different standards we have. And the festival drums are played to  substandard products we receive with psalms of thanksgiving. We want ...


 LET'S DRAW IT We should actually sit about it and draw it out on a round table with rectangular legs.  Let's get it drawn out from the genesis. We embark on journeys without counting our costs and we either get stranded halfway or finish with sacks of regrets.  Adequate planning is long gone from our culture. All we enjoy is fire brigade approach. At a great level we get confused and when we do we have no map to get consultations from.  We are left at the mercy of what would be would be. No one lands on the moon without a plan. Not just a plan,  but one carefully drawn out. We can't dive into being developed in one day.   Long and short term goals will get us there if adhered to. We went digital without a very good planning, we are touring e- banking without things being in place, prepaid electrical services without enough meters, e-learning in the educational sector without good facilities, UTME CBT with very many challenges and a thousand more occur...


  HELL IN HELL What else should we call this? We coat the name with cubes  of sugar but the content remains the bitter kola it has always been. Correctional center or gaol?  I think the later is what it is.  Who tastes freedom and  would want to go back into bondage. How will the escapees return when our prisons are terrible places to dwell. Anyways, what do we expect, when many school and hospital buildings are crying for renovation. What do we expect of a place where law offenders and suspects  are dumped like refuse? It is hell in this hell.  Somebody should not forget that these people are humans not "animals" and should be treated as human. We are being very serious with chasing escapees when several intimidating challenges are staring at us fully armed. Sure...they need be picked and returned into the nests we call their home to keep us safe. But if the seriousness and urgency attached to their being captured is invested into putting an end to ba...


    The Death of Reasoning  Unto whom brain has been given, the  power of reasoning is expected to bear good and enduring fruits.  Of course "Naija" is a blessed land flowing with milk and honey across all her tributaries and the nooks and crannies but the death of reasoning in many of her citizens has led the country to witnessing a deteriorating system.  High level of insecurity, lack of respect for human lives and properties, deadly corruption etc. drag us away from progression. So, where do we go from here?  In a country where citizens allow their insatiable desires to drive them to the point of enjoying luxuries and comfort by means of cheating that inflict sorrow and hardship on their fellow country men and women, is just so appalling in all manifestations of the aftermath effect of the death of reasoning in the citizens.   At least if we maintain the power of our reasoning, no Nigerian would be dearly committed to himself and herself alone....


  TRUE INDEPENDENCE  Where is my Nigeria?  Where has the giant of Africa gone?  Where is that country whose land is rich and fertile?  Where is that country that was once the leading exporter of groundnut?  Where is that country that was once part of the leading exporters of cocoa?  Where has that black nation which was once safe, secure and peaceful gone to?  Where has that nation that supplied her neighbors electricity for years gone to?  Is she still the  commercial hub of Africa?  Where is the one naira = one pound nation?  Where is that country that her citizens once did not need to struggle for visa to enter the United States?  Where is that country that once housed about 80% of the headquarters of the leading companies in Africa?  Where has my green white green gone to?  Is the land still green?  What has happened to her fertile land?  What has befallen her agricultural sector?  Is her white still clean, has it not been st...


 UNANSWERED QUESTIONS Paul Samuelson, the famous economist once said and I quote  " _Good questions often outrank easy answers_ ".  It is without doubts that as citizens of this beloved country, many questions beg for answers in our minds.  We ask many questions as individuals and as collective citizens. Disappointingly, they remain unanswered even till this day.  We have found ourselves in several unfortunate situations as a country that would intuitively demand answers or explanations from our leaders. Yet, they display outright disregard and disrespect to us as citizens.  The date 20/10/20 is etched in our minds. The events that transpired on that day and thereafter are still fresh in our memories.  All discussions and arguments seem to pivot around a focal point - "WHO ORDERED THE SHOOTING? " Until certain germaine questions such as this are answered, our quest for justice and fairness remains nothing but a chase against the winds.  A society ...