REPORIENTATION LUCRE "Where will he blow it; him who stole the king's bugle" Can it be said about Nigeria that this saying is true? Over and again, our leaders dip their hands deep into the national treasury. They take the treasures from our chest whilst we watch them with our hands tied. Gone are the days when stealing was a crime despised by heaven and earth. Bring back the days when the stigma of being known as a thief was worse than leprosy. It is sad to see what plays out in our society today as thieves parade themselves in flowing gowns. While some ignorant folks continue to sing their praise. Much worse than the act itself is the lack of conscience and moral rightness. Our leaders display their repugnant audacity in that while they steal from us, they do not come as ones careful or afraid of being caught. Their pompous parades and harangues are met with tumultuous crowd, noise and reception. This is so because, even when...