Paul Samuelson, the famous economist once said and I quote
" _Good questions often outrank easy answers_ ".
It is without doubts that as citizens of this beloved country, many questions beg for answers in our minds.
We ask many questions as individuals and as collective citizens. Disappointingly, they remain unanswered even till this day.
We have found ourselves in several unfortunate situations as a country that would intuitively demand answers or explanations from our leaders. Yet, they display outright disregard and disrespect to us as citizens.
The date 20/10/20 is etched in our minds. The events that transpired on that day and thereafter are still fresh in our memories.
All discussions and arguments seem to pivot around a focal point - "WHO ORDERED THE SHOOTING? "
Until certain germaine questions such as this are answered, our quest for justice and fairness remains nothing but a chase against the winds.
A society that really frowns at injustice will take every measure to bring every wrong doer to book.
It is a shame that the gospel of justice that our leaders preach differs from the one they practice.
Till date, we ask questions, yet they do not deem it fit to gratify us with a response.
... and till all unanswered questions are answered, and justice is mete out, we will not relent in asking.
✓ 170.
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