What else should we call this?
We coat the name with cubes of sugar but the content remains the bitter kola it has always been. Correctional center or gaol? I think the later is what it is.
Who tastes freedom and would want to go back into bondage. How will the escapees return when our prisons are terrible places to dwell. Anyways, what do we expect, when many school and hospital buildings are crying for renovation. What do we expect of a place where law offenders and suspects are dumped like refuse? It is hell in this hell.
Somebody should not forget that these people are humans not "animals" and should be treated as human. We are being very serious with chasing escapees when several intimidating challenges are staring at us fully armed. Sure...they need be picked and returned into the nests we call their home to keep us safe. But if the seriousness and urgency attached to their being captured is invested into putting an end to banditry and terrorism, we all will be living in the Whitehouse.
Let the needful be done, we are citizens of this country first before being party members. Let there be security, equity and empathy. Everyone must matter in this nation.
... and for a better living, everyone matters!
✓ 172.
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