In the words of E.M. Burke, the only necessary tool for the triumph of evil men is for good men to sit down and do nothing.

 As we live day by day as Nigerians, we cannot but completely give cross examinations to our daily life and national life, how far have we been faring? Let's face our fear squarely and give thought-provoking examinations to the roots of our woes. Do we really have some set of people as our problem or we all are the architects of our national and individual problems?

 In vain we build our cities if we don't first build our homes. Let's endeavor to champion the right course for righteousness, faithfulness, honesty, integrity, morality and good works  right from our bedrooms before picking up brooms to sweep the streets. We can't continue with any ALUTA if our mental state hasn't been reprogrammed with right information. The emergence of evil men in our societies today is as a result of our failure as good men to do the right things over the years; like speaking the truth from our lips, ability to resist bribery before doing the right thing, ability to uphold justice, being fair, having religious tolerance, ascribing value to national patriotism etc.

If there be any virtue we need to uphold strongly, then let it be that we all are ready to fight against evil so that we can make giant strides towards advancing the right course for our dear country unto enviable heights.

 ...and for a prosperous and godly nation, we all must take a bow on the right knee and stretch forth our right hand: ALUTA CONTINUA; VICTORIA ASCERTA.

 God bless Nigeria!






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