
Partisanship “ Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth.” —Albert Einstein The election that was held last year and the events that followed have opened our eyes to how sycophantic some Nigerians can be. Many people gladly deny the truth or turn a blind eye to it because of religious, tribal, and political sentiments. They have sold their conscience and humanity for mundane and ephemeral things. For our country to make good progress, we must move beyond sentiment and work together for our common good. We should be ready to point out evil deeds, even if our kinsmen are the perpetrators. Selectively judging right versus wrong leads to further division along tribal and religious lines. Our diversity should be a tool to foster unity and progress because, in diversity, there is variety and uniqueness. Our unique differences and idiosyncrasies should flourish for our common good. Leaders who manipulate the masses using religion and tribe should be identified and ignored...