It thinks it is wise because only a wise bird uses the feathers of other birds for it's nest. Maybe not wise but cunning and self-centred. Corruption is dancing wildly beneath it's skirt. Oh, I know! It must be pulling resources unlawfully to itself, so it could afford standing tall on a molehill. Bet deceit lasts NOT forever, no, it does not. The day will pay for what the night was used for and surely the game of shame will make the descendants apply for a change of name massively. When one's progeny cannot answer one's name publicly, what else would that be if not genocide?

We should allow our ears see better, they really need to, because even our eyes smell trouble when trouble takes a walk. The life we live have an endless impact on the coming generations be it "Excellent" or "Very poor."  Be it known that we live a portion of the lives of others in ours. Of a truth we cannot live our sole life; a part of other people's lives occupy a sofa in ours and we live it for them. It's nothing new to know that however we choose to live, it has a great effect on them not just on us.

We may think we own our lives and can do whatever we please with it, yes, it is very close to being true but it is not. When we elect representatives to lead us and the representatives choose not to do what would benefit the people even after several supplications, and they do all to make a lake of wealth for themselves; the secrets would eventually be unearthed and cause the stream of shame to flow down to their generations- CONSIDER CAREFULLY SO YOU DON'T KILL ALL THE BIRDS FOR A NEST TODAY AND TOMORROW THE NEST IS GONE.

...and for a better life, I will consider the well being of others!





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