Do you know being firm In your convictions, standing strong, being loyal and sticking to your values even when it is very difficult is what we call STEADFASTNESS? Cambridge Dictionary defines STEADFASTNESS as the quality of staying the same for a long time and not changing quickly or unexpectedly
Why have you chosen to hold certain values and goals or why have you chosen a decision in the first place? It is until you understand the purpose behind this goal that it can give you strength, power and motivate you to stay strong, to be steadfast.
Do you know there are rewards and consequences of being steadfast? But many run and refuse to keep their stand, many neglect their goals and values, many neglect their potentials due to the difficulties or challenges they encounter during the journey. Sometimes you may receive short term benefits to neglecting your values but if you stick to it and stay true to them you'll become more fulfilled and loaded with joy.
This coming year,
Set clear goals for yourself and work with the goals, stay true to these goals, look for groups that will help you in staying true to your goals, never forget the purpose for setting the goal. These will keep you going and strengthen you the more.
Have this as a booster "No matter how committed you are to your goals, there will always be times when you slip up and when this time comes without you having a solid plan on how to handle it, you may not be able to bounce back on track. Having a solid plan to handle setbacks is very important.
Be steadfast in the face of challenges, learn how to bounce back from those challenges and come out stronger than before.
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