Why wear the coats of a servant when you know the shoes of a king is what suits you?  We appear to kneel but our hearts sits like a queen. Our voices say good morning but our faces have a firm grip on rods,  beating breath out of man on a bad morning.  We are the exact opposite of our barks. 

A man who owes tax but killed a fat goat for festivity has done more harm than good. He may be crowned a saviour for providing what the mouth enjoys for the few he knows but should also be stoned for depriving the hundreds he knows not, some social amenities.

Why we do what we do matters just as what we do.  We can't hide our shadows but it is not something to worry about when our location is right. Our deeds follow us whithersoever we go and we should always be mindful of why we do what we do because it is directly proportional to our actions and it is a constant in the consequences of our actions. So, dwell in your disappoinment and sketch a better way out. 

...and for a better life, I will equate my motives, actions and words.


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