Truth dances to the tune being played by hunger, he begs for survival while deceit has more than enough to eat. Deceit roams the world in the splendour of his flowing agbada suit while truth travels in rags. Deceit is celebrated everywhere life is found and almost none wants to resist him.

"Korobakoroba, " the drums play.

The rich one pushes the poor, the poor kicks back in anger. Hit me I hit you is the deal but forget not too soon that scars don't always totally clear.

"Korobakoroba," the drums sing.

Bola, Bala, Beluolisa and many others vandalized a public facility in protest against the government. Bola's brother was involved in a motor accident and the only health facility around was the one they had vandalized. His brother gave up the ghost journeying to a functional facility.

"Korobakoroba," the bell rings.

Chief Owonikoko was meant to approve the maintenance  fee for the  firetrucks monthly. He enjoyed approving the fee into his pocket rather than fix the vehicles. A fire outbreak started from his generator house and the only operating vehicle of the fire service department was out on duty somewhere else. He lost the whole of the property to fire. What a day to bite his fingers!

"Korobakoroba," the alarm sounds.

...and for a better Nigeria, I will work for her development!


✓ 0276



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