The Sword of Truth


The Sword of Truth

Woes betide the country whose the sword of truth has been buried in the ground of falsehoods. We live in the perilous times in our land. A time when naysayers are celebrated around the city squares. A time when we are weakened by the power of wickedness on account of the falsehoods been peddled mostly by our political prefects. A time when our consciences have been seared with hot iron.

 The truth is that we all as Nigerians must be intentional in allowing the sword of truth reign majestically in our land. We can't continually deceive ourselves that all is well when in reality all isn't well with large portion of the citizens living in agonizing pains on daily basis. We must allow the sword of truth to put to the end the power of wickedness in all phases of our leadership. 

The sword of truth should be given the space to breath as regards our political prefects being sardistic in the nature of thier conversations most times. We all must embrace the power of the sword of truth in order to build a country that works and not the other way round. Laced with the sword of truth is the power of hope, love, equity, unity, forbearance, sympathy, empathy, mutual understanding and other noble virtues becoming of a country that's growing.

...and for our country to survive perilous times; we all must embrace the sword of truth to quell the power of wickedness.


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