It can be quite comforting to blame our fortunes or otherwise on external factors. I am also guilty of this. From man's cradle,  he has passively learned to fault others for his woes. A common example that comes to mind is when God asked Adam why he disobeyed to which he responded "the woman you gave me". Likewise Eve when she was confronted replied "the serpent deceived me".

This buttresses that humans are intrinsically wired to not take responsibilities for their woes. As long as he keeps faulting others for his woes, the situation continues to maintain dominion over him.  This is because only when we take full liability for our actions can we experience a paradigm shift that solves them.

"Casting blames take the dominion of control further away from us." We begin to think that it does not lie with us to proffer solutions. This is the scenario at play in many of the problems beguiling us. We need to move from casting blames to being liable for our results. 

... and for a better country, I will take full responsibility.


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