Giggling betides me almost all the time because I have just enough to cry about. Everyone wants a change but we want to do nothing. Colos is our usual, yes, we take it before, during and after elections. Always on colos, their policies never stop policing our lives. They take from here to there and end up doing almost nothing to ease the state of the source.

Laws and rules are made dog against the citizens, they do not apply to the lords. Police everywhere; justice no where. We know not that we are the best of animals when we live without rules. So, let your "eyes clear" and smoke some sense, the weighing balance of the law is not meant to tilt. 

We are all on colos at different times and positions of our lives. Our bosses fix prices of goods per week; every week we have to double our hustle to maintain a living. Citizens take no care of public properties. It's not their business. 

Our colos should not only make us do the irrational; we can use our strength for the progress of the nation. Our actions should be given  deep thoughts before they are established. Wise actions are taken by a sane mind, let your deeds be those of progress and peace towards development.

...and for a better Nigeria, I will make my actions those of development.


✓ 0268



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