The days we sob for better roads stare us eye to eye. Days we cry and beg for those potholes to be removed from our paths. Yes, we made intercessions for the death traps to be fixed and protested that new ones be tared. Surely, many are yet to be fixed and more without number lies with no hope.

Unfortunately, the few fixed ones do better in murdering men. Truely, they disjoint, distort and discontinue a good number from breathing. The fixed roads spread red carpet into the grave for the careless road users. The colourful speeches of the good roads make no sense to the one that speeds faster than FERRARI in his VOLKSWAGEN.

Overspeeding sounds more like death than life. It takes the ones that have spare lives to play cross country on a public road competing for a trophy that never existed. Many drivers are not concerned about the wellbeing of their passengers while all enough of them care about is making journeys as many as possible, thus overspeeding lives into graveyards.   

Patriotism requires that we pay attention to our traffic laws and obey them, so we can stay alive to drive around even on those good roads and the bad. Everyone's life matters, treat them like they really do matter. Stop over speeding and save lives. Use the road lawfully.

And for a better life, I will live right for others to live.


✓ 0259



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