There lived some generations that had their wants as a result of the way they lived. They never lived a contradictory life.Theirs was simple and progressive.

I want a city free of traffic jam but I do not have the patience to take turns. We want a floodless city yet we litter everywhere with dirt at any slight opportunity, forgetting that little drops of water make a mighty ocean. The situation is beyond my control yet under my control. Alas! I choose to do the norm.

The generations before served as role models but I excuse that their days were not stressful and demanding. I wonder what brought the stress now! My generation broke the cycle by not exhibiting what we were born into and we are best at complaining.

My generation takes all things seriously except things that add value to communal living. Things will continue to grow worse if we do not make a reverse and follow the good ancient path. 

Let us therefore, reconcile with our past and salvage the good virtues there in.

... and for a better Nigeria, I choose the ancient path.


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