All said and done, we look forward to having a bright day with a good hope that it will be quite better than yesterday. We look forward to a new year with the hope that it will be better than the previous. Same applies to our jobs, cars, relationship, government and our  other engagements.

Questions are, we shouldn't forget to ask. What next is coming up? Are we ready for what's next? Are we ready for the next phase of life, the next project, the next job interview, the next promotion, the next assignment, the next government, the next technologies and many others. How prepared are we for what's coming next? How mentally, academically, technically, morally and emotionally prepared are we?

We need not just look forward to a bright new day or a greener pasture or a better option or a better government, preparation to see the good days is no less important.  How prepared we are for what's coming up next matters.

Our preparation towards having such  experience will contribute a great deal to the change we desire. We will have to strongly agree with the new development coming up without bias. Being intentional about making the hope a reality will hasten development. Even as we expect a better life, our preparation matters just as what matters in the heart of the matter is a matter of the heart.

...and for a better life, be prepared!


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