REPORIENTATION CONSULT NOT Do not consult that watch, it is not for your use. Agree not with that timing, it is obviously not in agreement with you. We trode our different routes here on earth, we were never friends. Be not moved by their rapid riches, timing can't be same for all. One can sell and make a mint, you may sell and make a loss, it's a matter of timing. Tomorrow it may be your turn to make a mint. Even when the sky had darkened to a backdrop for thunder, it lightens just after the rain. No one dances to every beat, at least not all stings the neck with the same energy. Our seasons are just different. The beautiful hip hugging skirts doesn't mean you are there, it may be whispering into your ears to work and walk smarter. When a day stretches luxuriously into evening in a row, such might be the dawn of a giant doom of another. The shimmering light of a careful man has been covered. And surely, the end of such friends of the devil is never pleasant. Do not ...