Just few years ago, while serving my destiny after serving my fatherland, words came to me from the pot of wisdom embedded in a “senior friend.” I heard “SOAM” say, 

“Seek survival first before any other thing.” Those words have not ceased to dwell in my bosom for aye and have done no less in my journey.

Survival is paramount for continuity. When a man is able to make himself feed and fit without much struggle, begging will jump out of his profile and nothing will ever be capacitated to stop his “making it.”

“Make a living before you live the life“ leaped into my ears recently. It may not whisper much sense but wisdom lies there in. Trying to make a living is the horse that is meant to be before the cart of living the life. Whoever lives life before making a living will eventually serve his term.

Darkness is never scarce at night, making a living is never full of fun but joy comes with dawning. Working hard can never be harder than the fruits of laziness and recklessness.

Bring before me a man that wants to enjoy the goodies and cookies of life at all cost without thinking of making a living and I will point you to a catastrophe ready to happen. Theft, pilfering, fraud and many more would be his register and his hobby would be nothing different from causing uproar.

...and for a better life, I will survive decently and with the well being of others in mind.


✓ 0239



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