
Showing posts from January, 2023


  REPORIENTATION HUSTLE The quest for a better life and a convenient way of livelihood is one that is innate. This concept can be seen over and again; illustrated on the pages of history. Evolutionary instinct has forced man to seek better means of living e.g. by developing better tools to hunt and farm and by building more robust shelter. All of these are attempts to improve the living condition.   This much needed instinct does not preclude the modern man. We all strive to make our lives better. This instinct in itself is admirable in that it forces us to harness the resources with which we are endowed to provide ease and comfort for us.   However, as admirable as this instinct is, some will stop at nothing to actualise their lofty dream of better living. This situation can be exploited by vices lurking with the subjects personality and within his/her society. The vices feed on social innuendos sponsored by poverty and illiteracy or both.   This situation has a wider playing field in


 REPORIENTATION THE CONFUSED He knows not a bit about the contestants. She knows almost nothing about the current. He's not even aware of when it's taking place. Who else is planning not to cast a vote if not you? The most confused honourable citizen, what will you vote when you know not the candidates, the lantern or the star? You are surely planning to vote poverty and extreme  hardship with your ignorance. You are 'kuku' doing well since whoever wins the elections is nothing similar to your business. Continue dragging us into the muds. Oh, you want to sit and chant a better life for all! Your noise will go a bit  beyond your doors. Chants without actions is nothing better than a  noise. Our voice cum actions will save our nation from the well without water in which we reside.  Your voter's card is not an ID. Do well and do good never to confuse its    great use for what you think it is. Exercise your franchise in this rescue mission and let's save our dying n


  THE PILLARS  Indeed, as the Holy Bible succinctly puts it that; "Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is reproach to any nation." There's no better way the Bible could have put it in respect to the magnitude of corruption and pollution going on in the land. There's no doubt about the greatness of our country in terms of both human and natural resources but the very reason behind our hardship and misery is several pillars that we have pulled down by our stained hands.  We have willingly pulled down the pillars of nationalism, patriotism, honesty, righteousness, brotherly love, ethnic and religious tolerance, peaceful co-existence among other national virtues. We can't soar higher as citizens and as a country if we don't first revisit where we had missed it, rebuild our ruins and replace our pillars. We must replace and rebuild the pillars of honesty, brotherly love, mutual understanding, religious tolerance, diligence and commitment among other noble acts th


 REPORIENTATION MAKE A LIVING   Just few years ago, while serving my destiny after serving my fatherland, words came to me from the pot of wisdom embedded in a “senior friend.” I heard “SOAM” say,  “Seek survival first before any other thing.” Those words have not ceased to dwell in my bosom for aye and have done no less in my journey. Survival is paramount for continuity. When a man is able to make himself feed and fit without much struggle, begging will jump out of his profile and nothing will ever be capacitated to stop his “making it.” “Make a living before you live the life“ leaped into my ears recently. It may not whisper much sense but wisdom lies there in. Trying to make a living is the horse that is meant to be before the cart of living the life. Whoever lives life before making a living will eventually serve his term. Darkness is never scarce at night, making a living is never full of fun but joy comes with dawning. Working hard can never be harder than the fruits of laziness


  REPORIENTATION FRITH Help will follow you just as a fire man follows his colleague with water in a consuming fire till it is extinguished. Be not scared. Let peace cuddle you because you are not without a Help. Even as we race away from death, carefulness should not be let go. What’s more deadly than jumping through the window of a car on a busy road all because of overheating? I’m sure you know one could jump into a coming vehicle while those that do not hastily make wrong decision stay without a scratch. We all need help with our orientation to be safe; embrace wisdom. Our safety matters even in our flight from death. In our being careful, let’s be very careful and in avoiding death, let’s be really cautious. Calmness will take us far and keep us from unnecessary stress and danger. ...and for a peaceful life with good length, I will receive and live with Help. PEACE. THE REPORIENTATORS ✓0238 Facebook: REPORIENTATION