REPORIENTATION HUSTLE The quest for a better life and a convenient way of livelihood is one that is innate. This concept can be seen over and again; illustrated on the pages of history. Evolutionary instinct has forced man to seek better means of living e.g. by developing better tools to hunt and farm and by building more robust shelter. All of these are attempts to improve the living condition. This much needed instinct does not preclude the modern man. We all strive to make our lives better. This instinct in itself is admirable in that it forces us to harness the resources with which we are endowed to provide ease and comfort for us. However, as admirable as this instinct is, some will stop at nothing to actualise their lofty dream of better living. This situation can be exploited by vices lurking with the subjects personality and within his/her society. The vices feed on social innuendos sponsored by poverty and illiteracy or both. This situation has a wid...