Like a man once said that; "The power of the people is far greater than the people in power." 

 It's so obvious that the nature of blindness that has befallen us in this country is one which is of many dimensions.

We are blind to system we need to create to make lives comfortable for ourselves. We are blind to channels we need to adopt so as to have religious tolerance across zones. We are blind to the policies we need to implement to make lives bearable for each and every citizen of the country.

 By now a very good and patriotic Nigerian may want to ask that how is he/she part of the blindness that is ravaging the land which is beautifully nourished with green resources and spread out on the strength of River Benue and Niger? Of course, the answer isn't far-fetched at all, we all have contributed to the searing pains we are experiencing from our blindness because we have been so intentional in closing our sights to relevant things and opening our eyes majorly to irrelevant things. If we continue to be wilful in neglecting to do the needful we shall continually have the power of blindness dominating us in all facets of our national affairs.

 Therefore, we need to change for the better and allow the power of truthfulness to break the web of blindness covering our eyes and sights. We need to be blind to religious intolerance and divisions, we need to be blind to the political violence, we need to be blind to desire for corruption, immoralities, extortion, misuse and abuse of office among other unworthy things spreading their tentacles in our land. To become blind to those aforesaid issues is to say NO to the need to create them so that our country would be better for it. 

Our politicians need to see clearly. Religious leaders need to see and cast vision correctly. And all citizens must do well to see beyond the surface and see beyond in giving the mandate to right people to become leaders in our land so that blindness would no longer dominate our national affairs.

...and to have a great and prosperous Nigeria we must be committed to setting ablaze the web of blindness ravaging our land.





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