In the priceless words of  the late Sir Winston Churchill; 

"The only pathway to the temple of wisdom is to acknowledge our ignorance."


Nigeria is bleeding profusely; no doubt about this at all. The country is sweating under huge pressures of insecurity, banditry, terrorism, kidnapping and other wicked acts that are lodging in the hearts of several frustrated Nigerians. With the above realities we cannot but summon ourselves to the temple where we would be fed with words of wisdom on ways forward and how best to address all of our unpleasant issues for the betterment and development of our dear country.


As things stand now in our land we need wisdom on policies to adopt for the economy to be in good shape. We seriously need power of wisdom to prevail on ways to institute security apparatuses to protect lives and properties of citizens. We earnestly need wisdom to restructure several dysfunctional agencies, ministries, departments etc on best ways to keep them working for the sole purpose of building a good and great country that all Nigerians would be proud of.

 To keep lamenting isn't the way out of our national mess neither to keep speaking frivolities would birth us desired change. The power of wisdom of what to do and how to do those things is what we need crave for or else the cord of woes will be perpetually tied around the neck of destiny of our great country.

And for a good and great Nigeria; we all need to imbibe power of wisdom of ways to go and grow our country for better national outlook...





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