We invest to gain nothing, even the capital is always involved in a partial mishap, yet we continue because it is some people's fully funded business. Accountability doesn't even exist in the industry. "Chai!" Our oil managers really need go back to school.

The saviours, our  good health workers are streaming out of the country like  flocks since their package get worse daily and agreement is being broken day after day by the concerned party. Medical doctors are getting scarce, a huge number is retiring without replacement, many are flying away to a better region and enough have no job and are not being offered one.  I heard someone say that one day we would be left with Dr. SID and Small doctor.

 We beg for bread and tea and still beg for toothpaste to service our mouths. We cannot just live with what we have, no, it is no longer in our culture. A privileged group would always want to feed their greed. 

A co-passenger breathed into my ears;

"We have not found ourselves in a wrong nation, we have only found ourselves behind wrong leadership."

I grinned but said to myself, maybe not bad leadership but the existence of too many terrible humans. I think more than half of us  have no different perspective to life in our actions and speeches and would do worse if given the opportunity of a tenth of one day.

A better life will never be possible until our perspective to life changes towards the left on the x-axis. Our thoughts need be refined for us to afford a good nation. The higher the percentage of the ones with a sound mind; the higher our chances of having a sane environment and a happy nation. It's time to be reorientated; it's time to move forward.

... and for a better Nigeria, I will live patriotically!





  1. This is a clarion call to everyone, we need to repent of greediness and be ready to make Nigeria work. It's a shame for a blessed nation to be robbed of her dignity and reduced to a mere beggar. Nigeria is ours, Nigeria must rise!


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