It is cradle to grave that makes some sense. Ye...s, that's right. But I think little sense still dwell in "Grave to Cradle."

Should we tell lies, when help comes Knocking on the door for introduction, and make a disguise of everything being fine? Lecturers have refused to impart, yet the bosses claim all is well. The elders we look up to for help are fuelling the fire since no one of theirs is involved in the ongoing. They have chosen to create more problems and "carry face." Lying is their identity and they are leading into the grave. No...we won't follow that path!

How do we erect buildings on the water ways and expect to rest in peace? We throw debris both inside water channels and on the roads. The terrible ones throw it out of a moving vehicle -chai! All these are not without consequences chasing towards the grave.

Yet, I believe. I surely have faith in  revolution. The last can become the best. After worst, it can only get better. I believe in a better Nigeria; we can leave the grave for the cradle.

... and for a better life, I will live and work.





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