Each morning rises with crates of unthoughtfulness. All our hearts can conceive is 'me.' We dine and wine with hatred for one another. Yet we laugh and sing "all is well' in fellowship.

Sense fatigue jumps from one branch of government to another.Indiscipline resting its head on the laps of luxury. Oh, it's got a territory even amidst us!

Illegal parking on the shoulders of the roads by truck and smaller vehicle drivers has become tradition. Indicators are no essential part of our vehicles, they have become luxury. Head light and mirrors are absent in the assemblage of many vehicles flying on our roads.

 I laugh...have you not seen crabs plying our blessed roads? They face North with their heads while their tails face east. I don't know if we no longer have FRSC and VIO on our roads anymore.

Who needs be told every time that red means stop and green means go, save a man that lacks discipline? He beats the traffic light at the peril of others since he is in a haste.

Must we be in a haste to kill others? Let us see with a heart that sees others just as important as 'me.' Let's do the needful for us to live well and for others to live their years in happiness.

 ...and for a better life; discipline is my watchword.





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