In the proverbial word of the Igbo group which states that; "Those whose palm kernels were cracked for them by a benevolent spirit should never forget to be humble." Indeed, our land is one that's richly endowed in both human and natural resources. However, the haughty spirits of several Nigerians are really not helping the matter of national development, cohesion and progress at all. 

We have sheer display of rudeness and non humane feelings by the way and attitude of several Nigerians in treating fellow Nigerians. 

 Kidnapping, terrorism, banditry and perversions of various forms are on the increase simply because we've lost our sense of moral values and respect for human lives.


Should there be a national assembly for sober reflections on the ways things are going? 

Definitely, there's great need for solemn assembly to take place in order to look critically into the remote causes of several misdemeanors that are ravaging our land.

Our dear country is on the pathway of becoming shadow of itself in every respect due to lack of both religious and political will to resolve several burning issues affecting our national growth. We need to act first by taking the right steps in the right direction because for our country to attain that desired height we must collectively build it.

 Let there be no person or ethnic group who will take the backseat this time around in building the country because we are already witnessing elements of becoming shadow of ourselves in several ways.


For Nigeria to be better positioned to shine gloriously and survive as a country, we all must resolve to put out the embers of elements of retrogression, corruption, perversion, ethnic intolerance, religious intolerance etc.

And for a better and glorious Nigeria I will never allow the country to become shadow of her past glory.


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