Immorality spreads her wings wide in a glamourous flight. Flying high with less struggle over a defenseless society as ours. Although poverty and hardship may be the claim of many, it makes less than common sense to declare that a good reason for such unwise actions. 

In yesteryears, who could confidently commit bestiality and reveal his/ her identity unashamedly? It is now worth being proud of.

Craziness is very synonymous with the recent ongoing in our society. 

The love of money has become cataract in the eyes of many and the sense to discern good from evil has ceased to be available. Everyone is chasing a good life, since the country is not doing enough to ensure that. 

"To your tents O Nigerians!" 

If nobody would give us a comfortable life, we have to find it ourselves by our own means. That is the music of the season!

 Everyone is now a suspect to someone else. Looks no longer  say enough about the bearers, only proper investigations do. Trust is a pin that has been dropped in the ocean, it is now almost impossible to find. A man is a boy in some place and a lady in some other place; I guess he is of multiple gender.  All for the love of money!

Even in our quests for a better life, we should consider the wellbeing of others in our decisions. The wellness of our neighbors and the sanity of the community should be very important to us, hence, not jeopardizing their peace and health. Let's also not forget the next generation, their lives can only be meaningful if our community remains sane.

... and for a society full of morals and sanity, I am committed!




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