Injustice is explained by Longman dictionary of Contemporary English as a situation in which people are treated very unfairly and not given their rights. It is a quality relating to unfairness or undeserved outcomes. No greater oppression happens other than this.

   Our constitution suggests that no one should be treated on unequal basis because of their wealth, caste, religion, gender and so on but we enjoy doing otherwise, not putting this into practice. The bosses misuse and abuse their posts and power so as to please themselves. Even the ones being ruled do nothing different. The rich rule while the poor serve. The elites enjoy while the masses suffer.

    Selfishness remains a major cause of injustice. All that matters to me is me and me alone; every other thing should be out of interest. We never reveal our true colour until we are given a post. That is when we will start revealing our true identity and our actual love for humanity. At this time, the mind to serve our nation with all our strength and  do justice begins to die in us because of our selfishness. 

We never care what tomorrow holds be it good or bad. Situations where offenders are set free while the good ones are used as replacements are of Injustice. A teacher aiding and abetting the evil conducts of the  children of the rich in a school and molesting those of the poor because of his pocket is simply not encouraging justice.

 Judges give judgements to the wrong side all because of their pocket or because the rich is very connected. This is nothing but injustice and injustice can never be curbed until selfishness is dealt with with utmost cruelty.

    And for a better Nigeria, I'll stand on the right path


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