Nigeria is our greatest masterpiece but what we have is fast disintegrating into pieces at an alarming rate owing to our national ignorance. The heterogeneous ethnic groups of ours are supposed to be a huge blessing for national growth and development but what we have is the reality of enmity and hatred growing in such an accelerated rate among the diverse ethnic groups. The reality on ground bears testament to the stunted growth being experienced because of national disunity, corruption, kidnappings, injustice, religious intolerance and other festering social ills that are laying seige to the destiny of Nigeria from every Nigerian.


We need not point accusing finger to any particular ethnic group neither do we need to stand up to name call and shame any personality for our excruciating woes; for the root of all evils in the land is largely the mind of every Nigerian over the years. Then, what is the way out of this national mess? How do we foster national unity that will engender national progress, growth and development in every stratum of our national life?

 More so, in what ways are we to right our wrongs and put our house in good order? For we are the moulders of our national destiny and the shepherd of our fate. It's time we arose from our national pitfall and pick up a great resolution to let national unity and faith be our anchor for national growth, development and progress. 

For in vain we shall build when we don't have the large heart to accommodate our differences with respect to our different religious  and ethnic groups. Therefore, we must allow love for our dear country permeate our hearts so as to be poised to building the Nigeria we all really wish to have and hold among other developed countries of the world. We must never let Nigeria down in whatsoever way and we must be ready more than ever before to keep our flag flying in good colours.

...and for a better, workable and prosperous Nigeria, we stand to embrace national unity and faith as our anchor!


 ✓    192.

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  1. Thank you for encouraging us to take advantage of our national population for better economy and development.


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