When a car begins to require the anointing of palms and laying of hands, it is no news that such a vehicle needs help. But it is very expedient that it is tapped into life because it is not to be pushed but push us to our destinations. Therefore, everything needs be fixed lest it fixes stress into our system just as it is happening now.

We push almost everything about this nation to work, even the aviation sector. We cry for social amenities for centuries we will still need weep for their maintenance for ages. What a terrible way of life we have grown into.

We waste resources like collected rain water. Projects are executed half way and left till a good Samaritan comes to rescue. And if none walks the avenue, it dies with the investment and fades out of life. If by chance, projects are executed, in 12months they are as good as a madman's apparel. Nobody to monitor and maintain.

 The beneficiaries and the benefactors make no seat for a maintenance officer. The government and us citizens see no reason to create a team of people to monitor the use and maintenance of facilities. The unthoughtful ones are given enough space to loot the facilities at the expense of everybody. They make their illegal money with minute or no stress while others bear the loss.

Needs exist for us to take care of whatever we have. Their length of existence makes way for development, since once one problem is fixed, getting another pressing one fixed will be next adventure, hence, there is progress in terms of development. Nothing is more profitable in a society other than giving sound maintenance to the social amenities and the facilities we have in our communities.

...and for a better living, I will have a hand in the proper maintenance of public properties!


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