Just outside my compound few days ago, the sight of a duel got me captivated .-The unresolvable argument of POWER against RIGHT and of RIGHT against POWER - Nothing feels better than getting a sofa for Solution. 

Settling the issue seems the easiest thing on earth since both are reputable on the street but greater than arduous was the matter. The situation was a direct opposite of easy. No one would allow the other to make his case without interruptions.

Oh! Would I allow RIGHT to speak and not POWER? Won't I need deprive POWER of his right just for peace to reign? In the blink of an eye, it turned chaotic and became a free for all. 

POWER had ordered his subject to deal a blow to RIGHT. A bath of blood became inevitable. RIGHT was as good as dead and all I could do was to stand, look and write. Though it cost decades of aches and pain, it came out in the end that RIGHT was right. Right supercede power, no matter how long power may terrorize. 

This is a proverbial admonition to protect your right; you will surely win though it tarries, it will come.

...and for a better Nigeria, I will protect my right and that of others!


     ✓   121.


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