Back in secondary school, my agric teacher thoroughly expounded the process of growth of a seed to us. Over time, I have realized that the processes involved in the germination of a seed are not exclusive to seeds alone. In fact they are not even the limited to the field of Agriculture. 

For a seed to grow, it has to die. In the place of death, it may look as if nothing is happening but the process has kicked off. The soil on which the seed is planted must be able to support the life of the plant by providing adequate moisture, micro and macro nutrients essential for the plant. 

It is wonderful to know that a seed planted can yield much more (multiples of itself). 

Behind the process of this germination is an intentional planter or farmer who is determined to see the seed germinate. Without him, the growth process would not even exist in the first place. 

Using this analogy, if we are to really see the growth/change we want in this nation, there must be people who are determined and intentional about seeing the seed of change germinate. 

When people walk past a field of flowers, most people only admire; very few give credit to the planter of the field. 

The people who will be determined to see this growth come to reality will most likely be at the back stage. 

This requires humility and the ability to foresee the end even from the beginning. 

Are you intentional about seeing the growth/change you clamour for in Nigeria come to life ?

Are you ready to work outside the spot light? 

...and for a better Nigeria, I will work with faith!




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