My palm hosts my lower jaw, carrying it as the pillar supports a building. Lost in the forest of thoughts am I with no hope of getting out soon. I see  the endless oppression of men by men and my heart pounds in the rhythm of the war beats as my pinna pick the signal of the happenings around.

You can imagine how devastating it is for helpless parents whose chap was jabbed to death being asked to bring money for several unreasonable processes by our beloved law enforcement agency before justice could be done. - They can never disappoint us with their affinity for substance.-

What other thing can be tagged cruelty than asking a commercial motorcyclist whose bike was gotten on the basis of payment by instalments to bring over #100,000 for funny engagement to get justice? I am sure a lawyer will also be paid similarly by this same person, even the Morgue operator will request for something close.

If justice could be that costly, I am sure these parents would choose to let it go and name the occurrence " fate." This nation really needs help and many sectors need be restructured to meet up with the time we are in.

*...and for a better Nigeria, I will neither rest nor give up!*


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